Wednesday, November 30, 2011



The Duel is a short indie production slated for submission to Telluride, Maine, Nantucket and Sundance Film Festivals in Summer & Fall of 2012. The script has been in development for the past 5 years. We took the production for a successful test run in spring 2011 with students from Dixie State College (DSC) Theatre, Communication, Art and Music Departments.

Mark Houser, Writer and Director of The Duel, currently teaches at DSC and serves as the Program Director of the Theatre Department. Mark teaches film, theatre production and acting courses. He has been producing, directing and teaching acting for 14 years. Mark is also a professional commercial photographer and videographer.

The Duel explores a traditional theme of being afraid of the dark and conquering fear. The elements that set this film apart from the average are the coherent and capable team working on the project and the Olympic Fencing element, which serves as the foreground and motivation for the theme and the characters.

Why are we looking for funding?

The writer has covered half the production and equipment costs out of his own pocket. We are moving this production to the next level. The funding you provide will allow us to produce a quality and prospectively award-winning product for early festival submission. Your support will also help provide an extraordinary experience for the students involved. You will be increasing the production value of the project exponentially by providing the necessary funding for sound personnel, production equipment rental (jibs, dollies, aerial cinematography, etc.), and post-production coloring and special effects/CGI finishing.


After 10 years of grueling training as a competition fencer, Kyle Morgan qualifies for the Olympic Fencing Team. Just before he is to leave for training and compete, he loses his Mother, Father and 6 year-old sister (also his best friend) in a fatal car accident. Unable to cope with the loss he forfeits his Olympic candidacy.

Our story begins three years later, on the anniversary of his family's death, as he makes strides to return to the Olympic arena to compete again. Kyle has one last bout with his coach before joining the Team to train for the next year.

In the opening scenes we find Kyle weight training at the Gym while he flashes back to his training with his coach. In his recollections his coach reinforces his technique and pushes him to compete at his best, urging him to remember the value of focus, anticipation and technique.

Kyle returns home from his work out and falls asleep on the couch.

He awakens in a dream to find himself battling Die Angst or "The Fear" – his fears. Die Angst is a mysterious black suited fencer who fades in and out of shadows and who seemingly cannot be killed or beaten. His sister’s ghost laughs and plays around them as they bout.

Every time Kyle runs Die Angst through, he dissipates and shows up 100 yards off, taunting Kyle with his fears, his darkness and silence. In an unexpected conversation with his sister’s ghost, she reveals to him exactly what he must do to overcome Die Angst.

The film has a surprise ending so we do not wish to give it away.

The entire battle is shot on location among the gorgeous red-rock landscape of St. George, UT and Zion National Park – some of Southern Utah’s most treasured destinations.

Themes include: Good vs. Evil, overcoming your fears, finding strength in weakness, empowering yourself with knowledge and experience, the irony of trial and grief

Production Crew: 20+, including Students from Dixie State College and the Washington and Iron County Communities.